Updates from the other end of the training spectrum…

Somehow I think I missed out on the analytical gene that my father so clearly embodies… can’t have too much of a good thing in one family I suppose!

I am amazed at the progress my father is reporting from his new adventures in the pool, and it’s starting to worry me about losing the stronghold I have historically had on the swim leg in the Iron Daughter/Iron Dad ‘battle’. All the power to you though Dad.. I’d like to think this race in November will be like a game of Best Ball in golf – the best score from each leg becomes the team’s score.. and I’d be more than happy to draft off you both figuratively and literally in 11 weeks 🙂

My focus has been a wee bit different than Iron Dad’s the past few weeks, since my *shudder* DNF back at the July Half Ironman in Vancouver. While I too hope to have a PB this year (lots of room to improve from a 16:34 finish in 2009) – my focus as of late has simply been on getting the workouts in as scheduled.

Weeks 1 and 2 of Daughter's Training

And so far I am happy to report a (near) perfect record in my first 2 full-weeks of training since July! For some this might not seem like much of anything – but given my historical training results (I think in ’09 I may have had one 100% training week.. where I hit all of my workouts).. this is a pretty big deal for me, and it’s feeling great!

What has become my biggest focus I think has been the logistics around the workouts – from having the right gear packed the night before, to ensuring my meals are prepped in advance, to keeping on top of laundry, to getting enough sleep – it’s almost becoming more time consuming than the workouts themselves! Lucky for me I don’t have 3 kids in tow or a pet to take care of, and while the social life is taking a considerable hit…. I have it pretty good. I think the success for me in ‘fitting it all in’ is being way more on top of my game in terms of preparation – and not getting sucked into the couch after work with a bottle of wine watching the Bachelor Pad (although I can’t make promises for my night off tonight). It’s amazing how a few hours of prep on Sunday can set you up for success during the week; and how not getting the prep done on Sunday can really set you back (example: wine and cheese party last night, and no lunch for today).

And to answer back to my Dad’s recent success in the pool, I will be starting a swim course in September through Sea Hiker in Vancouver. I had taken a weekend course with them a few years ago and really enjoyed it, and am looking forward to bringing my A-Game to the Gulf of Mexico.. and Dad.. if you still beat me to T1 I’ll buy the first beer afterwards 🙂



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