Tag Archives: protein in a vegan diet

Vegan Virgin: Day 5: Getting into a routine

This post is / was written throughout the day (Friday, Feb. 25).  …I’ve written a lot about protein this week…and continue today…of course, for some…like my friend in today’s picture…caring about protein, balance of nutrition and all that stuff truly isn’t important…other priorities clearly…however, if … Continue reading

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Vegan Virgin: Day 4: Vegan Virgin Diet Guideline forming

Be sure to check out Iron Daughter’s Paleo update if you didn’t see it yet 🙂 http://www.irondaughterirondad.com/hows-iron-daughter-doing-on-her-paleo-diet/ This post is / was written throughout the day (Thursday, Feb. 24).  Today will be close to yesterday….largely because I took half my dinner home … Continue reading

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Vegan Virgin: Day 3

This post is/was written throughout the day (Wednesday Feb. 23)…Day 3 will have a bit more calorie burn in it, than day 1 or 2, so I’m still looking at the 2,500 calorie budget ceiling….and that elusive 100 grams of protein.  … Continue reading

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Vegan Virgin: Day 2

Day 2 was another light exercise day…so a similar 2,500 calorie budget for the day…although I was thinking of shooting closer to 2,000…the final totals on the link…text in the post for more details…PDF format: click here for the details of … Continue reading

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Vegan Virgin: Day 1

Well, first Vegan Diet day…you’re only a Vegan Virgin once, and today was Day 1…I was referring back to the Vegan Food Guide noted by Iron Daughter in an earlier post, so saved it here for general guidance…so let’s see how … Continue reading

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Protein & Amino Acids: My Vegan Plan

Further to my post: http://www.irondaughterirondad.com/show-me-the-protein/ …although other elements come into play in going vegan, like B12, iron, and other nutrients, for time and space I’m going to leave that for another day… so protein…well, there are literally billions of words written … Continue reading

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show me the protein

One of the challenges that I see with the Vegan diet is getting enough, and the right types of, protein…or more properly getting it efficiently. One thing that I like about the “Paleo Diet for Athlete’s” by Loren Cordain and Joe Friel is that a large … Continue reading

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